For Shop Owners

If your tattoo shop doesn’t function as well when you aren't there as it does when you are, I have bad news. You don’t own a business. You own a JOB!

The good news is you have already done the hard work of sacrificing your time, family, reputation, money and sanity to build your shop. Now you probably just need to learn how to get out of your own way and grow your tattoo shop into a self managing company.

Some of the characteristics of a self managing tattoo shop are

The business thrives whether you are there or not.

The business provides a wonderful, creative and challenging environment for your artists and employees to grow.

The business generates consistent passive income that is always growing (You can’t trade hours for dollars forever)


Unfortunately many of these goals are never reached by most shop owners. If you think you might be running a job instead of a business, check out our Inside Fireside Tattoo Club.

From Mindset Mondays to Technique Talks, the monthly activities of Inside Fireside are guaranteed to provide the tools you need to run a successful tattoo business. Click here or on the image above to learn more about the Inside Fireside Tattoo Club

Not ready to join?

Check out some of our favoriite business focused tattoo content for FREE at the link below.

Tattoo Business and Mindset episodes

Have a specific question? Feel free to reach out at

Tattoo Resources from Beginner to Advanced

No matter where you are in your tattooing career the Fireside Tattoo Network provides resources and information that have helped hundreds of tattoo artists.

Are you just starting out in your tattoo journey? Maybe you've been at it for a while and didn't have a traditional tattoo apprenticeship? Fireside has courses and programs for anyone who's hungry for information and wants to level up their tattoo design skills.

The Fireside Method:

Check out a few of our interviews with tattoo artists and Deep Dive articles:

Still interested, need more!? Check out our Full Podcast Episodes HERE!

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